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Keep in mind that TUR has already been de-linked, isolated, downgraded (and made semi-invisible) via most of the top Search Engines (Google, Bing, etc.,) as well as by most Social Media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) It’s all part of a concerted, global campaign to counter and/or neutralize ‘hate speech’ (i.e., antisemitism) even when the speech/discourse is logical, rational, sourced, and openly debated. Their strategy is to kill the discussion before it even begins. This is how lies flourish.

Just over three years ago, a black lifelong criminal named George Floyd died of an apparent drug-overdose in Minneapolis police custody. This might seem a very minor incident of little importance. But by emphasizing certain distorted facts and hiding others, our media transformed that event into a symbolic flashpoint and thereby ignited a political and cultural revolution that swept across America and much of the Western world. As a result, we experienced the greatest wave of urban unrest since the late 1960s, with massive protests, rioting, and looting across many dozens of our major cities. Even as our homicide rates showed the sharpest one year rise in history, vocal portions of our political elites responded to this crisis by demanding that our urban police forces be “defunded.”

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